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Legacy Blog Post

Your legacy is what is with you while you are here. Your legacy is also what is left of you when you're no longer here. Your legacy is what you leave behind everywhere you go to everyone you meet. It's how people see you, but most importantly, it should be how you see yourself. Or at least that's how I see it.

I strive to make my legacy one that I would be proud of. Right now, I am still in the process of writing it.

After watching the "Unsung Hero" video, I was reminded of the importance of doing things to make yourself and the people around you happy. I was reminded that happiness doesn't revolve around materialistic things, but within small actions while you:

1) Serve People

2) Share your time, effort and skills

3) Be engaged

4) Follow and learn from others before you expect them to follow you

5) Encourage

6) Create an open-door environment

7) Say nice things and

8) Spread love.

I was also inspired by the list above to start to really incorporate some of those attributes into my daily life. And the one I chose was to start serving people.

I think that if I were to begin to help and serve others, without expecting a reward, I would also begin to experience that same satisfying feeling that the "Unsung Hero" had felt.

I can start by simply asking others if they need help when they seem in need in school, with friends, and at home. If I could help serve these people in those places, with the pure intention to help, that would help me start to build my legacy.


What legacy will I leave? Why does it matter?

The legacy I want to leave is of someone who used to help and care for others generously. I want to spread positivity and love to those most in need. And I think this matters because it would not only give others happiness, but it would also give some to me.

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